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Alpe Adria Trophy u Sarajevu

Ekipa Natjecanje Alpe Adria Trophy održat će se od 12.02. do 13.02.2011. u Sarajevu. Objavu natjecanja prenosimo ovdje u cijelosti:


Short-track Speed Skating International Competition
ALPE ADRIA TROPHY – SARAJEVO OPEN 2011 February 12-13th, 2011
– This competition is supported by The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Sarajevo –
Alipašina bb, Sarajevo
(Dimensions of the rink: 30×60 m, track 111, 12 m)

Age Groups:
Seniors 30. 6. 1991 and older
Juniors A 1.7.1991 ? 30.6.1993
Juniors B 1.7.1993 ? 30.6.1995
Juniors C 1.7.1995 ? 30.6.1997
Juniors D 1.7.1997 ? 30.6.1999
Juniors E 1.7.1999 ? 30.6.2001
Juniors F 1.7.2001 ? and younger

Distances: K.O. system
Seniors + JA 1500m, 500m, 1000m, 1500m super-final
Junior B 1500m, 500m, 1000m, 1500m super-final
Juniors C 1500m, 500m, 1000m, 1500m super-final
Juniors D 1000m, 500m, 777m, 1000m super-final
Juniors E 777m, 333m, 500m, 777m super-final
Juniors F 500m, 222m, 333m , 500m super-final

Group A Men/Ladies – 3000m (Seniors, Juniors A and B) ? teams with 4 skaters
Group B Men/Ladies – 2000m (Juniors C , D and E or F) ? teams with 3 skaters

Distances: All Final
Juniors C 1000m, 500m, 1000m
Juniors D 1000m, 500m, 777m
Juniors E 777m, 500m, 333m
Juniors F 500m, 222m, 333m

Pre.Program: Friday 11th.
* 19.30 – training
* 21.00 cca. end of the 1. Day
General Program: Saturday 12th
* 8.00 am ? Team Leader’s meeting
* 9.00 am ? Warm up ? Seniors, Juniors A, Juniors B
* 9.20 am ? Warm up ? Juniors C, Juniors D, Juniors E
* 10.00am ?19.00pm competition:
Sunday 13th
* 9.00 am ? Warm up ? Seniors, Juniors A, Juniors B
* 9.20 am ? Warm up ? Juniors C, Juniors D, Juniors E
* 10.00am ?15.00pm competition:
* Awards Ceremony
Competition will be held according to ISU Rules, and is open to all ISU Members.
Entries: Preliminary Entries with number of participants and date and time of arrival and departure must be sent no later than January 25, 2011. Final Entries with name and date of birth of all skaters must be sent no later than February 5, 2011.

Tel/Fax: +38733 513995
Contact person: Adnan Karić
Entry fee: 15 EUR/ person
Liability: Organizing Committee does not assume any responsibility with respect to medical, bodily or personal injury of skaters or property loss or damage of skater?s and official?s equipment caused during this competition. Skater?s equipment must be according to ISU Rules. Skaters start on their own responsibility.
Accommodation: All the participants will be accommodated in the Hotel ?BM? **** (free shuttle to the Ice-rink).
Prices: 20 ? Bed and Breakfast, 25 ? Half-Board
Accommodation costs must be paid at the Hotel, in cash, only.
All the damages incurred at the Hotel will be the responsibility of the individual and must be paid prior to departure.

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